tallow candle造句

"tallow candle"是什么意思   


  1. In the hall there was a single tallow candle burning
  2. A tallow candle weighed down one end of it , a steel gauntlet the other
  3. A tallow candle with a great , smouldering wick stood on a bench in the further corner , by a bed , on which something was lying
  4. I got in late and was shown to my room on the ground floor by an apologetic night - clerk with a tallow candle , which he considerately left with me
  5. Next day tom stole a pewter spoon and a brass candlestick in the house , for to make some pens for jim out of , and six tallow candles ; and i hung around the nigger cabins and laid for a chance , and stole three tin plates
  6. It's difficult to find tallow candle in a sentence. 用tallow candle造句挺难的
  7. A cricket was chirping across the passage ; some one was shouting and singing in the street ; cockroaches were rustling over the table , the holy images and the walls ; a big fly flopped on his pillow and about the tallow candle that stood with a great , smouldering wick beside him
  8. There were the two watchmen , sure enough : red - cap on his back , as stiff as a handspike , with his arms stretched out like those of a crucifix , and his teeth showing through his open lips ; israel hands propped against the bulwarks , his chin on his chest , his hands lying open before him on the deck , his face as white , under its tan , as a tallow candle
  9. We got an old tin lantern , and a butcher - knife without any handle , and a bran - new barlow knife worth two bits in any store , and a lot of tallow candles , and a tin candlestick , and a gourd , and a tin cup , and a ratty old bedquilt off the bed , and a reticule with needles and pins and beeswax and buttons and thread and all such truck in it , and a hatchet and some nails , and a fishline as thick as my little finger with some monstrous hooks on it , and a roll of buckskin , and a leather dog - collar , and a horseshoe , and some vials of medicine that didn t have no label on them ; and just as we was leaving i found a tolerable good curry - comb , and jim he found a ratty old fiddle - bow , and a wooden leg


  1. "tallons"造句
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  5. "tallow"造句
  6. "tallow chandler"造句
  7. "tallow chandlers company"造句
  8. "tallow drop"造句
  9. "tallow fatty acid"造句
  10. "tallow gaa"造句

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